
003 How to use the video player

302 How to use tags

You can add tags for Niconico videos or creations. 

These tags can be used to categorize contents.

Tags appear above the video player or creation.

Performing a search via tags allows you to find creations with that specific tag.


■Edit Tags

Tags are displayed above the video below the title.
Click Edit in the grey box to the left side of the tags.
Enter your tags, click add, and then click Finish Editing when you are done.
Note that tags are 1-word only. Adding a space will create 2 tags.

■Remove Tags

When you click the Edit button, a red X will display next to the tags that are removable.
If you see a tag that doesn't fit the video, be sure to remove it and add something better! Click those

■Lock Tags

Icons that cannot be removed will have an icon showing that they are locked.
The uploader can set up to 4 tags that cannot be edited when they upload their video.

■Category Tags

A folder icon will display for tags in specified categories.
Category specific tags will need to be locked beforehand.
The tag will remain locked even after the category is deleted.

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